Sept. 13: If I could appoint someone to be president of the United States...

...I would choose my friend, Schad - a Joosh lawyer from New York. He is one of the smartest people I know. Also, he's Conservative (which is why he's so smart.)

I met Schad after he invited me to join a discussion board he'd started. The board was mostly for lawyers but Conservative Christian journalist/magician/writer Shteevie found a home on that board too. Over the ensuing years I learned that Schad knows almost everything there is to know about world history, American history, Canadian history, ice hockey, the Simpsons, and the music of Steely Dan.

Schad once told me that George W Bush was one of the best presidents of his lifetime (he does not feel the same way about Bush Sr.) He supports Israel. He does not like David Halberstam or Walter Cronkite. He thinks Barack is a bad president. He is concerned about the rise of militant Islam. He does not tolerate anti-Semitism and is quick to challenge anyone expressing anti-Christian sentiment (though he considers himself a reverent agnostic who dislikes being proselytized.)

Vote Schad in 2016.


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