Oct. 20: Why every man should have a purse
When you think about it, purses make more sense than wallets. I can't
fit my keys in my wallet. I also can't put my chap stick in there. That
wouldn't be true if I carried a purse. Laugh if you want but I've seen
women carry all sorts of outlandish stuff in their handbags. I'm not
just talking about the usual makeup, nail polish and feminine hygiene
products either. I've seen women open their purses and pull out
paperback novels, tupperware containers filled with salad - even a bunch
of those cool Russian nesting dolls. The verdict is in: Purses are more
practical than wallets, but men won't carry purses unless they are

I own a few coin purses but I don't own any sling-em-over-your shoulder purses that your mom might wear to the grocery store. I have a laptop bag that kind of looks like a purse. Thing is - when most people see it, they know there's a laptop in there. That's why I don't get beat up when I wear it in public.
I think that what happened was that sometime in history, dudes decided they needed to carry all their important possessions in their pockets. This is why wallets were invented. Men needed both hands to be free in case they needed to fight or open a door for a lady or perform open heart surgery. Women can afford to wear purses over their shoulders because they never need to fight or open doors. Sometimes they perform open heart surgery but when they do, they leave their purses in their lockers.
If men needed to use masculine hygiene products, then purses would probably be necessary. But since they don't wallets are just fine.

I own a few coin purses but I don't own any sling-em-over-your shoulder purses that your mom might wear to the grocery store. I have a laptop bag that kind of looks like a purse. Thing is - when most people see it, they know there's a laptop in there. That's why I don't get beat up when I wear it in public.
I think that what happened was that sometime in history, dudes decided they needed to carry all their important possessions in their pockets. This is why wallets were invented. Men needed both hands to be free in case they needed to fight or open a door for a lady or perform open heart surgery. Women can afford to wear purses over their shoulders because they never need to fight or open doors. Sometimes they perform open heart surgery but when they do, they leave their purses in their lockers.
If men needed to use masculine hygiene products, then purses would probably be necessary. But since they don't wallets are just fine.
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