July 28: Kayla

Today’s title was given to me by a girl named Kayla, who wants me to write about her. Problem is, I don’t know much about her except for some personal things she told me and it would not be appropriate for me to share them here.

Kayla is 15. She is wearing blue jean shorts and her hair is brown and curly. She is a pretty girl and she has a nice smile and she swears a lot but then again, most 15-year-olds swear a lot because they want to be more mature than they really are.

Here are some facts about Kayla:
  • Kayla has eaten Kraft Dinner before
  • Kayla’s name has one vowel in it, but it appears twice (the Y in her name has consonant status)
  • If you changed the first letter of Kayla’s name to an L, you’d have the name of an Eric Clapton song.
  • Kayla has never met Elvis Presley
  • Someone once bought Kayla a chocolate bar
  • Kayla does not like to read, but she admits that she enjoyed the last book she had to read for school
  • Kayla likes tacos
  • Kayla sneezed at least five times in 2006
That’s really all I can say about Kayla.

Without giving away too much, I’ll just say that Kayla is going through a challenging time right now. I hope and I pray that she can get through it by getting the support from the people she loves and that, one day soon, her dreams will all come true.


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