Dec. 26: A night at the library

When we were kids, we used to dream about what it would be like to be stuck in a toy store overnight.

I'd like to meet a kid who dreams of being stuck in a library. Imagine having all that knowledge - all that adventure - right at your fingertips. You could solve mysteries with Sherlock Holmes, hunt Moby Dick with Captain Ahab, or tour the circles of hell with Virgil.


The late American novelist Ray Bradbury once said that he didn't believe in universities. Instead, he believed in libraries. The point he was making, I think, is that knowledge is available to anyone and one doesn't have to spend thousands of dollars sitting in a classroom to obtain such knowledge. If you're interested in Canadian history, your local library probably has a few books by Pierre Berton. If comparative religion is your thing then you can check out the world's holy books, and numerous books about those books, at your local library too. The only drawback is you might not get to use the letters ph.D. after your name. That kind of sucks since our society worships education.


Of course, the Internet has opened the founts of knowledge to anyone who might desire it. The kicker is that not a lot of web users are looking for knowledge. They're looking to waste time on facebook.


I am typing this note in my own personal library. Directly behind me is a shelf that's filled with magic books. I have every one of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels, every one of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer books, every one of Michael Slade's Special X Thrillers. I have almost everything David Mamet has ever written and about 50 per cent of the complete Peanuts collection.

I know that I have no need for outside entertainment. Were I to be locked in my apartment for one week without electricity, I know I could keep myself occupied reading by candlelight.

I think I will do some reading now.


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