April 4: Tattoos
I've always had an uneasy attitude about tattoos. Apparently, the
Bible forbids them though it could be one of those "foods sacrificed to
idols" issues on which Christians can differ.
I probably don't like tattoos because, for some reason, I am afraid of commitment. What else is a tattoo but a lifelong commitment to a piece of art?
My friend, Serena's, father has a whole bunch of swastikas tattooed on his arms and back. Her father is not an anti-Semite. He claims that the swastika has been a sacred symbol since the dawn of man - that the Nazis adopted it and bastardized its true meaning.
He is correct, actually, and the literal definition of swastika is "it is good."
Still, that symbol will be an avatar of evil for at least the next ten generations.
My friend, Cade, is covered with tattoos. My favourite is the one with the three airplanes - he says they represent him, his brother, and his sister.
He once told me that his tattoos are almost a sacred ritual for him - something he plans earnestly.
I don't begrudge him that. His arms are works of art.
Who I do begrudge are the welfare moms who think getting another tattoo is more important than paying the rent or buying groceries.
This happens a lot in Cornwall, Ontario.
I do not have a tattoo. I don't think I will ever have a tattoo. If you have a tattoo and you get in trouble, the police will make a note of your tattoo. You will then be easy to pick out of a police lineup.
If I had a tattoo... it might be a cross. It might be Snoopy. It might be my son's name. It might be an electric angel. It might be Mr. Impossible.

It probably would be Snoopy, actually. Snoopy is probably my favorite fictional character and I think Charles Schulz's understanding of the human condition rivaled Shakespeare. So yeah, if I had to get a tattoo, it would be Snoopy.
Tattoo is the only good song on Van Halen's latest album. Whenever I hear it, I keep thinking about Herve Villanchaize, the dwarf actor who played Tattoo on Fantasy Island.

There's a guy in my church who has three crosses tattooed on his hand.
No one tells him he's bad.
I probably don't like tattoos because, for some reason, I am afraid of commitment. What else is a tattoo but a lifelong commitment to a piece of art?
My friend, Serena's, father has a whole bunch of swastikas tattooed on his arms and back. Her father is not an anti-Semite. He claims that the swastika has been a sacred symbol since the dawn of man - that the Nazis adopted it and bastardized its true meaning.
He is correct, actually, and the literal definition of swastika is "it is good."
Still, that symbol will be an avatar of evil for at least the next ten generations.
My friend, Cade, is covered with tattoos. My favourite is the one with the three airplanes - he says they represent him, his brother, and his sister.
He once told me that his tattoos are almost a sacred ritual for him - something he plans earnestly.
I don't begrudge him that. His arms are works of art.
Who I do begrudge are the welfare moms who think getting another tattoo is more important than paying the rent or buying groceries.
This happens a lot in Cornwall, Ontario.
I do not have a tattoo. I don't think I will ever have a tattoo. If you have a tattoo and you get in trouble, the police will make a note of your tattoo. You will then be easy to pick out of a police lineup.
If I had a tattoo... it might be a cross. It might be Snoopy. It might be my son's name. It might be an electric angel. It might be Mr. Impossible.

Pick me! Pick me!
It probably would be Snoopy, actually. Snoopy is probably my favorite fictional character and I think Charles Schulz's understanding of the human condition rivaled Shakespeare. So yeah, if I had to get a tattoo, it would be Snoopy.
Tattoo is the only good song on Van Halen's latest album. Whenever I hear it, I keep thinking about Herve Villanchaize, the dwarf actor who played Tattoo on Fantasy Island.

There's a guy in my church who has three crosses tattooed on his hand.
No one tells him he's bad.
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