Dec. 31: Do people change?
If I was there I'd stroke your hair until you fell asleep And in your ear I'd whisper "Dear, the Lord your soul will keep." I wrote that Hallmark sentiment in the late 90s for a friend who was going through a hard time. We've since lost touch but that hasn't stopped me from quoting it, or cut and pasting it, for a bevy of other people who have waltzed in and out of my life over the subsequent 15 years. I used to be friends with a girl from Ottawa named Linda. Once I pasted it to the bottom of an email I sent her. She replied that she appreciated the sentiment although she was not comforted by the implicit theism in verse two. Linda was an agnostic/atheist who found the idea of a creator god to be terrifying rather than comforting. My response, as a person who had just entered his 30s, was to apologize. I rewrote the second verse to something more inoffensive to her infidel ears. She thanked me for it and then went to bed. I'm in my ...