May 16: TV shows from my childhood
My dad tells me that when I was a toddler, I was addicted to game
shows. While other kids were jonesing to Sesame Street and Mister Rogers
Neighbourhood, I was getting my jollies watching Price is Right, Family
feud, and Jokers Wild. Bob Barker was my very first role model. I used
to dream about hosting my own TV game show, holding super skinny
microphones and reminding everyone to get their pets spayed or neutered.

There was a time when our evenings consisted of one-and-a-half hours of PBS, also known as the Public Broadcasting Service. We'd start with Sesame Street, go into Mister Rogers Neighbourhood and end with the Electric Company.
Mister Rogers was boring because he was sandwiched between a show that featured lots of cool puppets and a show with Spiderman and rock music. All Freddy boy had going for him were his land of make believe, his cardigans, and his awful singing voice.

But then it was time for us to go to school and this meant an end to PBS and hello Saturday morning cartoons.
This was the best Saturday morning cartoon ever:

Superfriends featured a cornucopia of DC comics superheroes, but the regulars were Superman, Batman, Robin, Aquaman and Wonder Woman (who was there so little girls would watch it.) Sometimes lesser known superheroes would show up, like Green Lantern and Flash. Sometimes, non-Caucasian superheroes would get involved because there just weren't enough Latino kids tuning into ABC on Saturday mornings. I'll tell you what - the Sarcee nation sure started watching Superfriends after the first appearance of Apache Chief.

Superfriends was pretty stupid when you realized that every other superhero was just Superman minus stuff.
Superman - ability to fly - superhuman strength - heat vision - Xray vision = Flash.
Superman - all superpowers = Batman
Superman - all superpowers + magic ring + domino mask = Green Lantern
Superman - penis = Wonder Woman
And so on.
And then there's this cat here

That's Slim Goodbody. He used to do spots on TV where he would teach kids about anatomy.
Oh yes... Gen X'ers had fun watching TV.
School House Rock
Willie Survive
Misfits of Science (starring a very young Courtney Cox)
Whiz Kids
Voyagers (cancelled when lead actor Jon-Erik Hexum accidentally shot himself to death)
What will they think of next (COOLEST THEME MUSIC EVER. CHECK IT OUT: 39 second mark
Scooter Computer and Mister Chips
People's Court
Mike Hammer
O yeah!

I'm also a proctologist
There was a time when our evenings consisted of one-and-a-half hours of PBS, also known as the Public Broadcasting Service. We'd start with Sesame Street, go into Mister Rogers Neighbourhood and end with the Electric Company.
Mister Rogers was boring because he was sandwiched between a show that featured lots of cool puppets and a show with Spiderman and rock music. All Freddy boy had going for him were his land of make believe, his cardigans, and his awful singing voice.

That's not very nice, neighbour
But then it was time for us to go to school and this meant an end to PBS and hello Saturday morning cartoons.
This was the best Saturday morning cartoon ever:

Superfriends featured a cornucopia of DC comics superheroes, but the regulars were Superman, Batman, Robin, Aquaman and Wonder Woman (who was there so little girls would watch it.) Sometimes lesser known superheroes would show up, like Green Lantern and Flash. Sometimes, non-Caucasian superheroes would get involved because there just weren't enough Latino kids tuning into ABC on Saturday mornings. I'll tell you what - the Sarcee nation sure started watching Superfriends after the first appearance of Apache Chief.

My super power is I can grow to 20 times my size in less than a second. Rita MacNeil had the same ability
Superfriends was pretty stupid when you realized that every other superhero was just Superman minus stuff.
Superman - ability to fly - superhuman strength - heat vision - Xray vision = Flash.
Superman - all superpowers = Batman
Superman - all superpowers + magic ring + domino mask = Green Lantern
Superman - penis = Wonder Woman
And so on.
And then there's this cat here

Yep... he had broccoli for lunch
That's Slim Goodbody. He used to do spots on TV where he would teach kids about anatomy.
Oh yes... Gen X'ers had fun watching TV.
School House Rock
Willie Survive
Misfits of Science (starring a very young Courtney Cox)
Whiz Kids
Voyagers (cancelled when lead actor Jon-Erik Hexum accidentally shot himself to death)
What will they think of next (COOLEST THEME MUSIC EVER. CHECK IT OUT: 39 second mark
Scooter Computer and Mister Chips
People's Court
Mike Hammer
O yeah!
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