Dec. 28: Resolve the resolutions

 This note will be short out of necessity. I've got my kid at the hospital, waiting for an x-ray. 10-hour wait. I'm hammering this out during a brief recess.

I don't think I had any new years resolutions for 2022. I have some for 2023. They are these:

1. Write everyday.

2. Read the Bible everyday.

It doesn't seem right that a professing Christian like myself spends more time watching the Calgary Flames than he does in Bible study and prayer. That reeks of idolatry. Gotta get my priorities straight. What they say about the Bible is true: the Bible will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from the Bible. Another homey little Biblical axiom: A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who is not.

As for writing everyday, I guess I kinda do that. I mean, I do it unfailingly two months out of every year when I do note-a-day, but I'm talking more serious writing. The kind of stuff that might get published and - who knows - even change the world.

I should be so bold.

We wish you all a Happy New Year.


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