Dec. 31: Campfires

It's been said that the closest one can come to Heaven on Earth is to sit around a campfire with the people you care about the most. Sounds great on paper but, pragmatically, it would be awkward. Need proof? Make a list of the 12 most important people in your life. Go on. I'll wait. Okay, now that the list is done, do you really think you'd be comfortable hanging out with all 12 of those people at the same time? Odds are you wouldn't. That's because all of us belong to different groups and, more often than not, those groups don't co-mingle. I belong to a church. I belong to a work group. I belong to a family. I belong to a fraternity of magicians. I belong to a writers' circle. If I had people from each of those groups sitting around a fire with me, I'd be so worried that most of them would be bored out of their trees. It's got to be stressful being with a whole lot of folks whose only common bond is that they all know you. I wonder if that's h...