Feb. 19: Life is full of rhythm
They say that the most comforting sound is that of a human heartbeat. It
reminds us that we are alive and it may be the very first sound most of
us heard (in utero, of course.)
I have never understood how the heart works. I view it as a magic organ. This funky little pump pushes blood throughout your body. Ever neat. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
They say that the best love songs have drum tracks that mimic the human heartbeat. This is certainly true of The Beautiful Ones by Prince and the Revolution, which is the best love song of all time.
Val loves that song and she says it is her favourite song in the world. She listens to it 67 times per day.
They say that rock and roll is the bastard child of voodoo, that the rock beat mimics the voodoo ceremonies where people get possessed by certain spirits.
They say that life is full of rhythm.
I have a certain amount of respect for Gene Simmons, who has never experimented with drugs or alcohol. Here is what he said: "The idea of numbing my senses does not appeal to me, I have never seen someone drunk act cool, nor have I ever had a conversation with someone that is high that makes sense... Ultimately, I think too highly of myself to be anything but who I am all the time."
This is totally fantastic and I feel the same way. I have never been high and I have been drunk maybe five times in my life. I see no reason to do these things.
The Amazing Randi says the same thing but since he is not a musician, I don't care about him right now.
This note title was given to me by my friend and fellow former altar boy, Tomas Ulbrich, who was an amazing math student and I think he played the baritone in band class (he might have played flute.) As such, Tomas knows a lot about music.
I love musicians and I think they are closer to God than non-musicians. I think music is a universal language by which we can communicate love, fear, sadness, pretty much everything.
My friend, Jamie Dann, was at my place once and a bunch of us were listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers' song Walkin' on Down the Road from their album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan. The song opens with this amazing guitar solo and Jamie remarked: "Man, I can just see it. This beautiful girl in a white T-shirt, who knows she's hot, walking down the road and totally loving that all the guys looking at her are wanting her."
And did I ever agree. Whenever I hear that song, I see it too.
LINK: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyr6hWve0uI[/url] The girl strut starts at the 10-second mark.
A few years later, Prince would say this of his colleague, Sonny T: "He can play a French girl's measurements on the guitar and make you see 'em."

Shortly after Jamie made that announcement, I bought a copy of Uplift Mofo Party Plan and it became one of my favourite tapes to listen to during the daily walks to and from school.
And get this - the Chili Peppers are still around today, like almost 30 years later. They even performed at the Super Bowl. Those cats have staying power.
Unlike Gene Simmons, Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis has experimented with drugs. Actually, he experimented with a lot of them. As such, I would rather spend a day with Gene Simmons than Anthony Kiedis.
That's 'cause Gene Simmons has his own waterslide.
Rhythm is a neat word because it has two syllables even though it shouldn't because it only has one vowel. Also, that vowel is Y, the part-time vowel. Rhythm is free of A-E-I-O-U. Rhythm is the most unorthodox word in the English language.
Y always made me nervous. In Grade 3, we learned the difference between consonants and vowels. We were told that every syllable had to have a vowel, but not necessarily a consonant. I felt bad for the consonants. They were being left out. I vowed to invent words that used only consonants but I have not had any success.
No one knows how to use the word bfrzxdh, which is a word I invented when I was 9. It means to eat breakfast in your underwear.
But back to Rhythm.
When I was 16, I had this nightmare that I got a new red Corvette. I was all excited to jump in and drive around Calgary and pick up chicks ('cause, ya know, girls are so shallow that they don't care how nice you are or how big your heart is - they just want a dude with a nice car.) So in my car I get and that is when I discover that the stereo will only play Debarge's song Rhythm of the Night.
I can't shut the stereo off. I can't turn the volume down. The song is on repeat forever.
Here is a video of that song:
See, that song disturbed me because I didn't understand how women could be attracted to a dude like El Debarge. I also don't see how they can be attracted to Yanni. I guess the formula is be good at music and then grow a mustache and then you get the chicks.

I would love to go on and on about this but it is my son's birthday today and I must go help celebrate.
I have never understood how the heart works. I view it as a magic organ. This funky little pump pushes blood throughout your body. Ever neat. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
They say that the best love songs have drum tracks that mimic the human heartbeat. This is certainly true of The Beautiful Ones by Prince and the Revolution, which is the best love song of all time.
Val loves that song and she says it is her favourite song in the world. She listens to it 67 times per day.
They say that rock and roll is the bastard child of voodoo, that the rock beat mimics the voodoo ceremonies where people get possessed by certain spirits.
They say that life is full of rhythm.
I have a certain amount of respect for Gene Simmons, who has never experimented with drugs or alcohol. Here is what he said: "The idea of numbing my senses does not appeal to me, I have never seen someone drunk act cool, nor have I ever had a conversation with someone that is high that makes sense... Ultimately, I think too highly of myself to be anything but who I am all the time."
This is totally fantastic and I feel the same way. I have never been high and I have been drunk maybe five times in my life. I see no reason to do these things.
The Amazing Randi says the same thing but since he is not a musician, I don't care about him right now.
This note title was given to me by my friend and fellow former altar boy, Tomas Ulbrich, who was an amazing math student and I think he played the baritone in band class (he might have played flute.) As such, Tomas knows a lot about music.
I love musicians and I think they are closer to God than non-musicians. I think music is a universal language by which we can communicate love, fear, sadness, pretty much everything.
My friend, Jamie Dann, was at my place once and a bunch of us were listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers' song Walkin' on Down the Road from their album The Uplift Mofo Party Plan. The song opens with this amazing guitar solo and Jamie remarked: "Man, I can just see it. This beautiful girl in a white T-shirt, who knows she's hot, walking down the road and totally loving that all the guys looking at her are wanting her."
And did I ever agree. Whenever I hear that song, I see it too.
LINK: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyr6hWve0uI[/url] The girl strut starts at the 10-second mark.
A few years later, Prince would say this of his colleague, Sonny T: "He can play a French girl's measurements on the guitar and make you see 'em."

Shortly after Jamie made that announcement, I bought a copy of Uplift Mofo Party Plan and it became one of my favourite tapes to listen to during the daily walks to and from school.
And get this - the Chili Peppers are still around today, like almost 30 years later. They even performed at the Super Bowl. Those cats have staying power.
Unlike Gene Simmons, Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis has experimented with drugs. Actually, he experimented with a lot of them. As such, I would rather spend a day with Gene Simmons than Anthony Kiedis.
That's 'cause Gene Simmons has his own waterslide.
Rhythm is a neat word because it has two syllables even though it shouldn't because it only has one vowel. Also, that vowel is Y, the part-time vowel. Rhythm is free of A-E-I-O-U. Rhythm is the most unorthodox word in the English language.
Y always made me nervous. In Grade 3, we learned the difference between consonants and vowels. We were told that every syllable had to have a vowel, but not necessarily a consonant. I felt bad for the consonants. They were being left out. I vowed to invent words that used only consonants but I have not had any success.
No one knows how to use the word bfrzxdh, which is a word I invented when I was 9. It means to eat breakfast in your underwear.
But back to Rhythm.
When I was 16, I had this nightmare that I got a new red Corvette. I was all excited to jump in and drive around Calgary and pick up chicks ('cause, ya know, girls are so shallow that they don't care how nice you are or how big your heart is - they just want a dude with a nice car.) So in my car I get and that is when I discover that the stereo will only play Debarge's song Rhythm of the Night.
I can't shut the stereo off. I can't turn the volume down. The song is on repeat forever.
Here is a video of that song:
See, that song disturbed me because I didn't understand how women could be attracted to a dude like El Debarge. I also don't see how they can be attracted to Yanni. I guess the formula is be good at music and then grow a mustache and then you get the chicks.

I would love to go on and on about this but it is my son's birthday today and I must go help celebrate.
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