Feb 14: What changes the heart

The only thing that changes the heart is life experience.

Arguing doesn't change the heart. It doesn't matter if the arguing is ultra-abusive or ultra-courteous. People won't change. There is scientific evidence that people will hold on to their ideologies - even when it can be demonstrated that there beliefs are false, dangerous, or both - because their self-identity is so wrapped up in what they believe. If you are a liberal, you will likely cling to liberal dogma while dismissing everything that comes from right of centre. And vice versa. Same if you're Christian, atheist, Jewish, or a rooster worshiper.

As Vonnegut pointed out, Solzhenitzen came to conservatism after surviving Stalin's Gulag archipelago. My dad came to conservatism after he moved to western Canada. I am a conservative Christian Dr. Pepper drinker because I take pride in not changing ever. I'll die believing the same things I did when I was 10.

When people talk politics, one party never says to the other: "Wow. Thank you for explaining your position so eloquently and for so thoroughly refuting everything I once held to be dear. I want you to know that I now disown my past position and align myself with your ideology. Let me kiss your feet."

Doesn't work that way and I am deeply suspicious when people tell me stories about how they converted other people. Feminists don't become Christians just because they meet Mother Theresa.


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