Aug. 14: I could never take the place of your man

Read a story the other day about howwomen prefer pictures of men who look like they make a lot of money.Picture number one shows a handsome model dressed in rags. Picturetwo shows the same model in a three-piece suit. Ladies will go forthe latter.

Is it greed or is it security? TheBible might tell us the former and evolution might tell us thelatter. But if you want to be secure, maybe you have to bite off abit more than you can chew right now. Isn’t that what the wholeinvestment market is all about?

When the Hebrews fled Egypt, God sentmanna from heaven. The Hebrews were instructed to collect only asmuch as they needed for one day. They didn’t listen. They collectedmore, thinking they’d spread the wealth over the next week. Woke upthe next morning to rotting manna.

I think God enjoys asking people to goagainst their very nature.


Memo to ladies: I can’t take theplace of your man. That’s doubly true if you love the dude. Don’tmatter if he’s present, absent, dead, drunk, whatever. All I canprovide is a placebo. Maybe a night of fun, a fancy dinner, latenight telephone conversation. But sooner or later you’re going torealize that I just ain’t him. So if you’re still in love, youbest not move on just yet.

I may be qualified for a one-nightstand but I could never take the place of your man.


When I was young and new to the datinggame, I was baffled at the number of women out there who rejected theso-called “good guys” in favour of the bad boys. I remember being19. Met some girl in a restaurant and we dated a couple times andthen she went back to her ex, who used to get drunk and beat her.Asked my friend, Jason, why he thought that was and he said that somewomen prefer the familiar to the angelic.

“If her dad was an asshole, she’llprobably marry an asshole,” he said.


Jason said that his sisters would neverput up with a dude who treated them like crap. The reason – theyweren’t raised to be treated like crap.


I have a nine-year-old niece and I amconvinced she won’t put up with it either.



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