Jan. 4: Inspiration

My inspiration for note-a-day (also known as Rotating Pineapple) has always been YOU, my readers. It's a challenge to get something - be it a phrase, a word, a question - from someone else's mind and then write something about it. I never tried to plumb any depths with these notes. I just write off the cuff and go wherever the muse takes me. That's why some of the notes are goofy (strange even) while some are serious and, at times, poignant.

I made a peculiar observation while reading over some of the notes. I found that the best ones came from titles given to me by people who don't know me that well. Perhaps that's because the people close to me tend to feed me titles that will strike an emotional chord (my father is fond of giving me titles that recall my childhood memories with him.) With strangers, it's anything goes.

Besides note-a-day, I find that there are several things that inspire me when I am writing fiction.

1. Christian theology.
2. The idea that all of humanity is connected and that sometimes strangers can be better than friends.
3. How religious belief (or lack of belief) shapes who we are.
4. Hot chicks.



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