Jan. 2: Are you bringing value or taking up space?

We used to make fun of people a lot when we were in junior high school. The reason: We were projecting our fears of mediocrity on to the masses. We believed that if we could convince ourselves that we were surrounded by untalented ugly dolts then we would be beautiful by comparison.

That's a bad way to look at the world.

Wish I could go back in time. Instead of mocking people, I'd have made it a point to see the good in everyone. Then, if I had sufficient courage, I'd let them know what they're good at.

But I can't go back in time. All I can do is pray that the people I've hurt have forgiven or forgotten. Ain't gonna live my life that way anymore. Think I'll build people up instead.

Inspiration: Chris Bourgon. Happy birthday.


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