Jan. 6: Memories of THE ice storm
I was asked to write my memories of THE ice storm. You will notice that THE is all-caps, which suggests that there is one ice storm that stands as the definitive ice storm. Since I am living in Eastern Ontario, I will assume that I am to write about the ice storm that struck this region in early 1998. Some weather pundits consider it the most serious ice storm in recorded history. Thousands of people in East Ontario and parts of the United States were without power for about a month. The storm did major damage to the power grid. My memory of that storm is hearing about it on the news and being happy I didn't live in Eastern Ontario. I was in Calgary and I was dating my very first girlfriend since high school. She was blonde and she wore a black beret. She had a fish named Matisse and once we bought curtains at Ikea (I bought curtains with my girlfriend, I mean. Not Matisse.) My girlfriend had lived in Montreal for a few years so she knew some people from the area who we...