Sept. 6: Why men like dogs



Men like dogs because men like to feel needed. Dogs excel at this.


Much has been written about men and their relationships with dogs, who have been known as Man's Best Friend for as long as I can remember. 

I have never owned a dog, though I have lived in dog houses for most of my early life. If memory serves, I've shared roofs with nine dogs. When I moved out on my own, I did not get a dog. I couldn't. I was an apartment dweller. But so many times I stopped people walking dogs on the street. This was especially true of the dogs were St. Bernards, which are my favourite dogs.

"I don't own a dog. I just borrow other people's for a few minutes."

That was my standard witticism.

Sometimes,  I pet the dog so vigorously that the owner jokes that I should adopt it.



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