Sept. 14: In the great big wilderness

It is exhilarating to be out in the country somewhere, a panorama of nature before you, and not another human being to be seen. Seriously, stand on top of that mountain, or that hill in Ireland, and slowly turn around. You don't see anyone, do you? You're alone. You know you're not, of course. Chances are you could cross paths with another person in the next hour if you just put your mind to it, but there is still majesty in being outside, staring out at this so-called overpopulated world, and wondering just where that surplus of people happens to be. - I read once that the entire population of the world could fit comfortably in the state of Texas. I don't know if that's true, though. There are an estimated 8.1 billion people on earth and Texas is 268,596 square miles. That would mean every square mile of Texas would have about 30,157 people in it - enough to fill an NHL arena one and a half times over. If the small town I lived in was in Texas, our population would...