Dec. 3: Peace sign
In Bible college, someone told me that the peace sign is a broken cross, that the hippies who employed it believed that shedding Christianity was one step toward the attainment of utopia. Years later, in Stephen King's Hearts in Atlantis, someone explains that the peace sign is inspired from the semaphore alphabet. Semaphore is a way of communication using only two small flags, one held in each hand. Each letter has its own semaphore tradition and, if you're adept at it, you can probably send and receive messages as fast as I can type this paragraph. In semaphore, the N is conveyed by holding a flag in each hand and pointed at the floor at about 30 degree angles from the body. The D is conveyed by holding one flag straight up at the sky and the other pointing straight at the ground. When you superimpose these two semaphore positions together, you get something that looks like the peace sign. ND stands for Nuclear Disarmament. - The world would be a better place if we didn'...