Sept. 6: The carnivorous plant has a change of heart

When I was a kid, I owned all 12 volumes of the Charlie Brown ‘Cyclopedias. The complete set looked like this: Man, I loved those books and I learned a LOT from them. In Grade 4, when Mr. Poilievre asked us what the most important muscle in our body was, I was the only one who knew it was the heart. In Grade 8, I knew the difference between weather and climate before Mr. David explained it to us. I also learned that the cells in our fingernails are the exact same cells in a bull’s horns (explain that, Mr. Darwin) and that the planet Saturn is so light that it would float on water. To be fair, some of the facts in the Charlie Brown ‘Cyclopedias have since been disproven. Volume 1: Your Body claims that different parts of the tongue pick up different sorts of taste (bitter, salty, sweet) and this has since been rebutted. Taste buds are all over the tongue. If you’re being forced to eat mustard, you can’t escape the taste by only letting it touch the tip of your tongu...